Check In:

Check In is a safety feature that you can use when you’re traveling to have someone else keep an eye on your progress. You can let a friend or family member know that you’re going somewhere, and they’ll be automatically notified when you reach your destination.

To use Check In, you’ll need to select a conversation with a trusted person, tap on the “+” button, and choose the Check In option. From there, you can input the location that you’re going to and the time you’re set to arrive.

The person on the other end will be notified that you’re heading somewhere and when you should get there. If you stop making progress while you’re on your way, Messages will check in with you to see what’s going on, and if there’s no response, your battery level, full location, and cellular status will be shared with the person you selected.

You can customize the amount of data that you share. Limited shares location, network signal, and battery level, while Full shares all of that plus route traveled, location of last iPhone unlock, and location of where the Apple Watch was last removed.

When you arrive at your destination, your friend or family member is notified that you got there safely and the Check In ends successfully.

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