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Cybersecurity news, data security, data privacy, hackers, data breaches, information security, data loss, cloud security, cloud, threats, cybercrime, cybercriminals, application security, software

Build a Career in Cybersecurity: From a Newbie to an Elite-class...

Building a career in cybersecurity requires dedication, continuous learning, and a passion for protecting digital assets.

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT)

VAPT is a comprehensive approach to identifying and rectifying vulnerabilities in a network, application, or system.

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing: Lifecycle

Vulnerability assessment provides organizations with valuable insights into the security weaknesses present in their systems.

Juice Jacking: How your mobile device can be hacked with a...

While public charging stations weren’t designed with malicious intent, unfortunately, hackers have identified ways to modify them for their own gain.

Cybersecurity is an investment, an attack causes financial losses and damage...

The cost of disaster management far outweighs the cost of threat prevention.

Cybersecurity: Separate your Private Number from your Business Number

Given the government's new policy demanding that you synchronize your NIN and BVN to your Bank accounts, There are security implications if your bank-connected line is compromised.


It is a misconception to believe that a site with HTTPS is safe. In short, criminals now transport malicious payloads using HTTPS sites, to mislead visitors.

GRC Role: Some Interview Questions You Should Know

GRC in cyber security ensures there are clear rules (Governance), proactive identification and mitigation of risks (Risk Management), and adherence to regulations and standards (Compliance)

Critical Infrastructure Protection: Why the Nigerian Government Must Invest in Cybersecurity

The consequences of a successful attack on critical infrastructure could be catastrophic

Embracing Zero Trust in Cybersecurity: A Strategic Approach for Enhanced Cyber...

Embracing Zero Trust in cybersecurity is not just a best practice; it is a strategic imperative for organizations seeking to fortify their defences against evolving cyber threats.

Recent Posts

National Digital Economy and E-Governance Act 2024: THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ERA

For effective execution of the provisions under this Act, there shall be established in every public institution an ICT Unit with such number of staff as may be required for efficient performance, effective service delivery, and digital transformation of functions in the respective public institution.

National Digital Economy and E-Governance Act 2024

The bill aims to create a legal framework for the digital economy in Nigeria and improve the way the government delivers services to citizens

CrowdStrike: Revolutionizing Cybersecurity

CrowdStrike is a leading cybersecurity company dedicated to protecting organizations from cyber threats

Data Lifecycle Management: EXPLAINED

Data lifecycle management (DLM) is a policy-based approach to managing the flow of an information system's data throughout its lifecycle: from creation and initial storage to when it becomes obsolete and is deleted.

I am working with FG to develop new identity technology in Nigeria – Bill...

According to Gates, the ID technology called MOSIP would ensure that every Nigerian gets digital benefits.