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Be Patience: Befriend Google!


Fundamentally, the problem with most people is impatience.

We lack the patience to carefully source information online; we want a quick fix. You cannot scale through with the mentality that all the information you need must come directly from someone else.

You must learn to source it yourself; you have a powerful tool in your hand: your mobile phone.

If you are afraid to leverage the power of the internet, you cannot, in the first place, even function effectively in a dynamic workplace that requires people with exceptional skills.

No school will tech you how to search on Google. Just like you learn how to chat with your girlfriend or boyfriend via messenger, it is the same way you will use to chat with Google search for answers to your concerns.

Experience has taught me several things in life.

The first N10 million I made in my life was via Google Search.

The story:

There was an organisation with a large volume of critical data on their data server. The server got bad. They had several other IT technicians who tried to rescue the situation, but it was quite difficult for that issue to be solved because the organisation was keen about their data being retrieved first.

The problem with the server was a novel one in this clime because the data server machine used a storage technology different from common ones around.

When I was contacted over the issue, the Head of the organisation compelled me to sign an undertaking on paper that their data would be recovered first.

In truth, I didn’t at that time know how to solve the problem, but I accepted that I could. I signed the undertaking and went away with the server.

When I got home, I kept the machine, went to a cybercafé, and paid for it all night. I slept at the cafe until I found a typical scenario on Google ~ how it was solved.

I then implemented the same recovery procedure, recovered the files, and successfully repaired the server.

That was the power of Google Search. That singular action led to a series of other interventions that got me over N10 million from the organisation as an IT consultant.

Make Google search your Bible.

~ Destiny Young



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