

Cybersecurity news, data security, data privacy, hackers, data breaches, information security, data loss, cloud security, cloud, threats, cybercrime, cybercriminals, application security, software

Nigeria: Personal Data Privacy; Matter Arising

Data Privacy focuses on the rights of individuals, the purpose of data collection and processing, privacy preferences, and the way organizations govern personal data of individuals

Kaspersky Security: Expect Rise in AI-powered attack in 2024

Kaspersky Global Research and Analyses Team (GReAT) experts offer insights and projections for 2024 in the Kaspersky Security Bulletin, with a focus on the evolution of Advanced Persistent Threats (APT).

Nigeria Communications Commission has warned Zoom users against vulnerability

Successful exploit of these vulnerabilities could allow an unauthorized remote authenticated user to bypass implemented security limitations on the targeted system.

Zero Trust Architecture in a Remote World: Securing the New Normal

With remote work becoming increasingly common, organizations require a security model that can adjust to the unique challenges presented in this new setting


Hacker or criminal can clone your phone number and whatever crime that SIM Number is used to perpetrate, there is a high possibility that security agencies will track the phone number back to you.

Why cybersecurity is the new team sport

When IT security is like a futuristic wild west, lone gunslinging heroes have little to offer cybersecurity’s bigger picture. But history has a solution. The...

Embedded Systems: The Need for a Specialized Cybersecurity Strategy

Embedded systems are often used with functionally-limited storage devices such as banking, savings or discount cards.

Security: How a Company’s Network is Breached

Data breaches can damage business reputation and cause financial losses to companies that pay lip service to cybersecurity.

Navigating the Digital Age: Why Cybersecurity is Everyone’s Responsibility

Information security is everyone's business, it's your primary responsibility to protect your data from being compromised and stolen

Embracing Zero Trust in Cybersecurity: A Strategic Approach for Enhanced Cyber...

Embracing Zero Trust in cybersecurity is not just a best practice; it is a strategic imperative for organizations seeking to fortify their defences against evolving cyber threats.

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Enhancing Cybersecurity Awareness Among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria

Enhancing cybersecurity awareness among Nigerian SMEs is not just a matter of protecting individual businesses; it is crucial for the overall economic stability and growth of the nation

Know Your Rights: How to Protect Your Personal Data in Nigeria

Introduction In a time where private information is more and more important and at risk of being exploited, safeguarding people's privacy is now a significant...

The Threat of Deepfakes: AI and Machine Learning in the Fight Against Synthetic Media

Deepfakes, a type of synthetic media produced using artificial intelligence have lately been somewhat well-known due to their incredible realism in audio, video, and picture manipulation. Deepfakes, which are now used for public dishonesty, false information distribution, and reputation damage, have progressed from a benign form of online amusement to a major cause of worry.

The Importance of Cyber Hygiene in a Modern Workplace

As technology continues to transform the business landscape, maintaining strong cyber hygiene practices is no longer optional – it's a critical component of organizational success and resilience

Cybersecurity in Government Organizations, The Case of OAGF Hack: A Call to Action

By Destiny Young, a Chartered Information Technology Practitioner and Cybersecurity Engineer Introduction The recent hack of the Office of the Accountant General of the Federation (OAGF)...