An application Tracking System (ATS) is an automated application system used to scan Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume for a specific context.
Most recruiting agencies in America and Europe use ATS to scan millions of submitted CVs
A recruiting agency feeds the ATS with the requirements of the job, including the specific experience and skills needed.
The ATS can scan both Portable Document Format (PDF) and Word Documents.
When an agency receives millions of submitted CV, the CVs are passed through the ATS and the ATS automatically sieves through, using the required academic, skills, and experience threshold.
The ATS will automatically trash the CV that does not meet the set requirement.
The agency will then be able to manually scrutinise the remaining few CVs.
With the evolution of AI, the ATS will be more knowledgeable to the extent of scouting for additional information about a potential applicant and reporting back to the agency what it finds about you.
Gone will be the days of submitting hardcopy Applications.
Prepare for this exigency on time.